About Us

I am Rajashri Joshi. I am a women’s wealth coach who helps women in understanding the power of money. The journey to becoming a wealth coach is very interesting; from childhood, I was very much interested to know about successful people. I was doing whatever is for success. Then I reached the point where I completed my master’s in Mathematics from Pune University which was one of the biggest achievements for me because I worked very hard for that along with my home responsibilities.

I worked as a lecturer for 4 years. Then people told me that I need to crack the NET exam then my life will be amazing. You can have anything you want. So I started preparation for NET classes. Since I always wanted to do something BIG, law of attraction worked and I came across Robert Kiyosaki world famous book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. I could not stop myself till I complete. At that moment I decided even I have to leave my fees which I paid for the classes, I am not going take a step back because if I stuck into that thing I may not be able to come out of that cycle. I have started reading books about ‘how one can become rich’. Till now I have read 50 books on money and finance. I am certified coach from International Training Institute. I worked as a mutual fund advisor. So I am mutual fund expert, personal finance expert and I know lot about money mindset. Now I am perusing CFP.

I have given speeches on different stages like network marketing event, Schools, Society gatherings etc. I worked as a wealth expert in Wealth accelerator hub, I love to perform on stage and love to impact people’s, especially women’s lives. I got an opportunity to travel Dubai and attend Forex Expo because of my achievements. I got an opportunity to meet and learn from experts like Sunil Shetty, Deepak Chopra, Gaur Gopal Das, Sunil Tulsiani, Sneh Desai, Bhupendra Singh Rathor (bsr), Jitesh Manwani, Amit Parekh, Divas Gupta, Shivangi Desai, Sandeep Gupta and many more. I won the Cash Flow Game held in Mumbai by WAH which is invented by Robert Kiyosaki. It is all about how to take right actions in our life to come out of Rat Race.

After learning from many legends and many books now I am here Mission to help 1 M women to become Financially Educate so that they can equally contribute to their families finances. Why I decided to become Women Wealth Coach and not just Wealth Coach? When I was dealing with different clients for Financial Planning, women were more likely to ask me many questions and those questions were very small and simple. It resonated with me a lot because when I was small I didn’t know even what to do in bank and what to talk there, what is mean by credit and debit. And then I realized it is my real passion. To increase confidence in women, to help them to understand finance from very scratch level and to fill the gender gap , I decided to become Women Wealth Coach.

Till now I have helped many people through my Training Programs, one to one discussions and through social media for Financial Planning and they have got amazing results. I would be very happy if I could contribute in the society with the subject to help women to manage, save, invest, grow and earn money so we can make our India feel proud across the world.

Thank You So Much For Your Support.



"I am Rajashri Joshi. I am on a mission to empower 1 million women to become financially literate so that they can equally contribute to their family's financial freedom by using my financial secret strategies."


"Empowering women by educating them financially to make India proud across the world."

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